Summer, Mykonos, Greece. 2010.
In the ancient and beautiful island of Mykonos, the houses are painted white, with their blue windows, as well as the churches, with their blue roofs, this island belongs to one of the mythical and beautiful Cyclades Islands, surrounded by a beautiful turquoise sea.
The twilight invites the tourists to expand in it, they sit on the terraces of the bars, toasting, until they see the sun set, they observe that unique spectacle, that twilight hour, it is as if the sky and the sun, made love, as if they loved each other eternally, drawing like this, painting like this, with halos of light and ochre brushstrokes, giving a unique and wonderful spectacle and.
At sunset, we would applaud and toast.
The streets of Mykonos are beautiful, narrow, the beaches and their white sands are paradisiacal...
I'm heading to the gay beach which is an island exclusively for gays. But on that beach, it was exclusively for gay men and no one else.
Mykonos is a special and unique place.
The sun set over the sea, painting with its rays the surface, the waves, the sea foam, and also the backs of some dolphins in the distance.
Everything was fire coloured, caramel coloured, beautiful reddish ochres, the paths of light over the water are a unique and unimaginable spectacle. The sun, caresses the white houses, the windmills.
I watched the twilight from a table in a bar, looking at the sea.
I had gone to the island alone, I was in a typical Greek boarding house, where a German lady, at least forty-five years old, with long blond hair, blue eyes, small, of an unparalleled sympathy, was taking care of me.
Petra, the owner of the boarding house, had married a Greek, her marriage lasted twenty years, her husband died, in an accident, her car broke down, falling inexorably to a cliff.
Petra was looking after her husband's mother. Her mother-in-law, was an old-fashioned woman, a Greek faithful to her origins and her genes, she was robust, wore a black mantilla, skirts down to the knees, had a very strong, authoritarian character. I watched her and laughed, with Petra we spoke a little German and English, she told me her stories.
The white walls of the terrace were like embroidery of Saint Rita, her lilac or violet flowers adorned all the walls of the pension. Like that, to the rest of the houses on the island.
Two days later, I meet an old, gay, elegant, beautiful man, about 65 years old, who invites me to have a drink with his Swiss friends.
I was looking at some scarves, in a small boutique, they were made of yarn and white cotton, pure. They were arranged on beautiful wooden shelves that contrasted with the white walls.
I look at the old man, he comes up to me and invites me to go with him. I accepted his invitation, we spent a nice evening, nothing more, nothing less, then later, his friends arrived, they were Swiss, and he imposed himself to speak French.
It was already late, and all the gays, who were having dinner or a drink in the center of the island, were running towards the courtyard of a small church, which was at the edge of the sea, many of them, were going behind that church, to look at the sea, even more closely and meet other men who also looked at the sea, besides looking at each other.
I discover with astonishment that it was a place of encounters, of kisses, of romance, of sex. I approach, to see, to be, and they were seen, several scenes, the couple who stood looking at the sea, others kissing, others practicing oral sex, or directly making love between the rocks.
The gays were jumping like goats from rock to rock, in search of pleasure, of love, under that summer breeze, which seemed to heal and forgive everything.
The next day, the Swiss gentleman invited me to the beach with his friends, they were more than beautiful, they were two adonis, perfectly sculpted by the gods. They were a gay style, where the perfect physique, muscles and the latest fashion brands abounded.
We arrived at the beach, after a short trip in a small boat.
I am on the beach, I decide to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Aegean Sea. I start swimming, the water is calm, naked men are swimming in the distance, diving, loving each other. The sun and the sailboats in the distance seemed to greet or fly between the sky and the sea...
I swim a lot, I arrive at some rocks, I rest, I was thirsty, the sun was hitting my face, in an overwhelming way. I looked for some shade, I swam to a small cave. There were several people, swimming, with half of the body, almost out of water, the cave had deep parts, others less deep, and also had a small beach.
I am there, just watching the lights that played between the rocks and the water.
In that, I see a man swimming towards me. He was young, he was about 29, I was 34. He approaches, greets me in Greek, I don't understand, he smiles.
The dialogue was more or less in English, he didn't speak it very well and I didn't understand him much, but I did understand his name, his name is Panagiotis, his hair was black, with long curls, generous, that almost reached his shoulders, he had a voluptuous, fleshy, reddish and splendid mouth, his nose turned up, almost perfect. Her eyes were a dream, very large, of an immeasurable deep blue colour.
Panagiotis was born in Mykonos, he was a tourist, his family owned an old vineyard and a house in front of the sea, which worked as a hotel for gays. We were talking and laughing. Then, little by little, we looked at each other, we looked at other men, who were around us, kissing each other in pairs, or more, kissing in trios with red mouths.
Panagiotis was very beautiful, he had a little belly, but I didn't mind, I liked him, his perverse smile, his seduction, his extreme sympathy and tenderness.
He comes closer, we are face to face, our bodies are, now almost floating.
He looks at me, caresses my lips. He asks my name.
-Alfonso," I answer.
He kisses me deeply, caresses me with his sex, rubs himself, moves his body, embraces me. He touches my buttocks, I look at him, I bring my mouth closer, and I start to kiss him passionately, I touch his member, I practice oral sex on him, I drown, I can't, I decide to abandon the task, but we keep on kissing, he touches my buttocks little by little, I touch his, he caresses with a finger the ring of my body ...he introduces me to a dance, of unmistakable kisses and caresses, he laughs. He bites my nipples, my neck, plays with my wet hair, kisses me with his tongue, plays with my lips, with my mouth, and I with his.
Our mouths join and disunite, like two fish or birds, he surrounds me, swims behind me, settles down leaning only against my body. He plays with his manly, erect, large, fleshy limb. He touches my buttocks, presses the head of his penis against the epicenter of my body, a little stronger, as if to introduce it into me, he doesn't succeed, I move.
He takes me with one hand from my neck, I move my pelvis, touching his with my buttocks, he takes me from my waist, with the other hand he touches his member, he grabs it firmly, to introduce his thick and powerful virile member, slowly my, inside me, between my buttocks, he begins to penetrate me like a water animal, like a man of water, he knew what he was doing ,get pleasure, and give pleasure to me, we kissed with passion, we made love.
In that instant, I feel another hand, I see another man very close to us, his body was voluptuous, he was about 50 years old, very handsome, maybe he was German or Irish, how could I know?, he came closer, he hugged us, his mouth was in front of mine, he started kissing Panagiotis, I am in the middle of that exciting situation, strange, beautiful, as if transported from the world, because in Mykonos and more in that beach, being gay was the norm.
The stranger kisses me, takes my hand towards his penis, I touch it, I caress it softly, as I can, I feel his body strong against mine. Panagiotis gets me and takes me, then he takes his sex out of me, the man goes behind me, caresses me, touches me, kisses me, I kiss him intensely. The man enters, he shakes me, I find myself between these two men, the young man and the adult, and I am there, in the middle, as if the past and the present embraced me.
Panagiotis kisses me, and the exotic tourist slowly swims away.
The two of us, we stay laughing, we keep kissing, making love, excited, impregnated with an instantaneous love.
Panagiotis and I, we swam to the beach, we sat down in front of the sea, we drank some water, and we stayed both alone, looking at that turquoise sea, its depths, the men who swam in the distance, the boats and the sailboats in the distance, seemed to greet us.
We stayed holding hands, or hugging each other, under the sun that now shines, illuminating them, under the ancient skies of the Aegean Sea.
Queer, Gay Erotic Texts. Warning!!! The content of this blog is only for people over 18 years old. Forbidden for people under 18 years old.
viernes, 12 de junio de 2020
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