Estate, Mykonos, Grecia. 2010.
Nell'antica e bellissima isola di Mykonos, le case sono dipinte di bianco, con le loro finestre blu, così come le chiese, con i loro tetti blu, quest'isola appartiene ad una delle mitiche e bellissime isole Cicladi, circondata da un bellissimo mare turchese.
Il crepuscolo invita i turisti ad espandersi in esso, si siedono sulle terrazze dei bar, brindano, fino a vedere il tramonto, osservano quello spettacolo unico, quell'ora crepuscolare, è come se il cielo e il sole, facessero l'amore, come se si amassero eternamente, disegnando così, dipingendo così, con aureole di luce e pennellate ocra, dando uno spettacolo unico e meraviglioso e.
Al tramonto, applaudivamo e brindavamo.
Le strade di Mykonos sono belle, strette, le spiagge e le loro sabbie bianche sono paradisiache...
Mi dirigo verso la spiaggia gay che è un'isola riservata esclusivamente ai gay. Ma su quella spiaggia, era riservato esclusivamente agli uomini gay e a nessun altro.
Mykonos è un luogo speciale e unico.
Il sole tramonta sul mare, dipingendo con i suoi raggi la superficie, le onde, la schiuma del mare e anche il dorso di alcuni delfini in lontananza.
Tutto era color fuoco, color caramello, bellissimi ocra rossastri, le vie della luce sull'acqua sono uno spettacolo unico e inimmaginabile. Il sole, accarezza le case bianche, i mulini a vento.
Ho guardato il crepuscolo da un tavolo di un bar, guardando il mare.
Ero andato sull'isola da solo, ero in una tipica pensione greca, dove una signora tedesca, di almeno quarantacinque anni, con lunghi capelli biondi, occhi azzurri, piccoli, di una simpatia senza pari, si prendeva cura di me.
Petra, la proprietaria della pensione, aveva sposato un greco, il suo matrimonio è durato vent'anni, suo marito è morto, in un incidente, la sua auto si è rotta, cadendo inesorabilmente su una scogliera.
Petra si occupava della madre del marito. Sua suocera, era una donna all'antica, una greca fedele alle sue origini e ai suoi geni, era robusta, indossava una mantiglia nera, indossava una mantiglia nera, gonne fino alle ginocchia, aveva un carattere molto forte e autoritario. La guardavo e ridevo, con Petra parlavamo un po' di tedesco e di inglese, mi raccontava le sue storie.
Le pareti bianche della terrazza erano come ricami di Santa Rita, i suoi fiori lilla o viola adornavano tutte le pareti della pensione. In questo modo, al resto delle case dell'isola.
Due giorni dopo, incontro un uomo vecchio, gay, elegante, bellissimo, di circa 65 anni, che mi invita a bere qualcosa con i suoi amici svizzeri.
Stavo guardando alcune sciarpe, in una piccola boutique, erano fatte di filato e cotone bianco, puro. Erano disposti su bellissime mensole di legno che contrastavano con le pareti bianche.
Guardo il vecchio, si avvicina e mi invita ad andare con lui. Accettai il suo invito, passammo una bella serata, niente di più, niente di meno, poi più tardi arrivarono i suoi amici, erano svizzeri, e lui si impose di parlare francese.
Era già tardi, e tutti i gay, che cenavano o bevevano un drink al centro dell'isola, correvano verso il cortile di una piccola chiesa, che era sul bordo del mare, molti di loro, andavano dietro quella chiesa, per guardare il mare, ancora più da vicino e incontrare altri uomini che guardavano anche loro il mare, oltre a guardarsi l'un l'altro.
Scopro con stupore che era un luogo di incontri, di baci, di romanticismo, di sesso. Mi avvicino, per vedere, per essere, e sono stati visti, diverse scene, la coppia che stava in piedi a guardare il mare, altri che si baciavano, altri che praticavano il sesso orale, o che facevano direttamente l'amore tra le rocce.
I gay saltavano come capre da una roccia all'altra, in cerca di piacere, di amore, sotto quella brezza estiva, che sembrava guarire e perdonare tutto.
Il giorno dopo, il signore svizzero mi ha invitato in spiaggia con i suoi amici, erano più che belli, erano due adoni, perfettamente scolpiti dagli dei. Erano uno stile gay, dove abbondavano il fisico perfetto, i muscoli e le ultime marche di moda.
Siamo arrivati alla spiaggia, dopo un breve viaggio in una piccola barca.
Sono sulla spiaggia, decido di nuotare nelle acque cristalline del Mar Egeo. Inizio a nuotare, l'acqua è calma, gli uomini nudi nuotano in lontananza, si tuffano, si amano. Il sole e le barche a vela in lontananza sembravano salutare o volare tra il cielo e il mare...
Nuoto molto, arrivo a qualche scoglio, mi riposo, ho avuto sete, il sole mi ha colpito in faccia, in modo travolgente. Ho cercato un po' d'ombra, ho nuotato fino a una piccola grotta. C'erano diverse persone, che nuotavano, con metà del corpo, quasi fuori dall'acqua, la grotta aveva parti profonde, altre meno profonde, e aveva anche una piccola spiaggia.
Sono lì, a guardare le luci che giocavano tra le rocce e l'acqua.
In questo, vedo un uomo che nuota verso di me. Lui era giovane, circa 29 anni, io ne avevo 34. Si avvicina, mi saluta in greco, non capisco, sorride.
Il dialogo era più o meno in inglese, lui non lo parlava molto bene e io non lo capivo molto, ma capivo il suo nome, si chiama Panagiotis, aveva i capelli neri, con lunghi riccioli, generosi, che gli arrivavano quasi alle spalle, aveva una bocca voluttuosa, carnosa, rossastra e splendida, il naso alzato, quasi perfetto. I suoi occhi erano un sogno, molto grandi, di un incommensurabile blu profondo.
Panagiotis è nato a Mykonos, era un turista, la sua famiglia possedeva un vecchio vigneto e una casa di fronte al mare, che lavorava come hotel per gay. Parlavamo e ridevamo. Poi, a poco a poco, ci siamo guardati, abbiamo guardato gli altri uomini, che ci stavano intorno, baciandosi a coppie, o più, baciandosi in trio con la bocca rossa.
Panagiotis era molto bello, aveva un po' di pancia, ma non mi dispiaceva, mi piaceva, il suo sorriso perverso, la sua seduzione, la sua estrema simpatia e tenerezza.
Si avvicina, siamo faccia a faccia, i nostri corpi sono, ora quasi galleggianti.
Mi guarda, mi accarezza le labbra, mi chiede come mi chiamo.
-Alfonso", rispondo.
Mi bacia profondamente, mi accarezza con il suo sesso, si strofina, muove il suo corpo, mi abbraccia. Lui mi tocca le natiche, io lo guardo, avvicino la bocca, e comincio a baciarlo con passione, tocco il suo membro, faccio sesso orale su di lui, annego, non posso, decido di abbandonare il compito, ma continuiamo a baciarci, lui mi tocca le natiche poco a poco, io tocco le sue, accarezza con un dito l'anello del mio corpo...mi presenta una danza, di baci e carezze inconfondibili, ride. Mi morde i capezzoli, il collo, gioca con i miei capelli bagnati, mi bacia con la lingua, gioca con le mie labbra, con la mia bocca, e io con la sua.
Le nostre bocche si uniscono e si disuniscono, come due pesci o uccelli, mi circonda, nuota dietro di me, si posa appoggiandosi solo al mio corpo. Gioca con il suo arto virile, eretto, grande e carnoso. Mi sfiora le natiche, preme la testa del suo pene contro l'epicentro del mio corpo, un po' più forte, come se per introdurlo dentro di me, non ci riuscisse, mi muovo.
Mi afferra con una mano dal collo, io muovo il bacino, toccando il suo con le natiche, mi afferra dalla vita, con l'altra mano tocca il suo membro, lo afferra saldamente, per introdurre il suo membro virile spesso e potente, lentamente il mio, dentro di me, tra le mie natiche, comincia a penetrarmi come un animale acquatico, come un uomo d'acqua, sapeva quello che faceva, provava piacere, e mi dava piacere, ci baciavamo con passione, facevamo l'amore.
In quell'istante, sento un'altra mano, vedo un altro uomo molto vicino a noi, il suo corpo era voluttuoso, aveva circa 50 anni, molto bello, forse era tedesco o irlandese, come potevo saperlo?, si è avvicinato, ci ha abbracciato, la sua bocca era davanti alla mia, ha iniziato a baciare Panagiotis, sono nel mezzo di quella situazione eccitante, strana, bellissima, come trasportato dal mondo, perché a Mykonos e più in quella spiaggia, essere gay era la norma.
Lo straniero mi bacia, mi prende la mano verso il suo pene, lo tocco, lo accarezzo dolcemente, come posso, sento il suo corpo forte contro il mio. Panagiotis mi prende e mi prende, poi mi toglie il suo sesso, l'uomo mi va dietro, mi accarezza, mi tocca, mi bacia, lo bacio intensamente. L'uomo entra, mi scuote, mi trovo tra questi due uomini, il giovane e l'adulto, e sono lì, nel mezzo, come se il passato e il presente mi abbracciassero.
Panagiotis mi bacia, e il turista esotico si allontana lentamente a nuoto.
Noi due, rimaniamo a ridere, continuiamo a baciarci, a fare l'amore, eccitati, impregnati di un amore istantaneo.
Panagiotis ed io, abbiamo nuotato fino alla spiaggia, ci siamo seduti davanti al mare, abbiamo bevuto un po' d'acqua, e siamo rimasti entrambi soli, guardando quel mare turchese, le sue profondità, gli uomini che nuotavano in lontananza, le barche e le barche a vela in lontananza, sembravano salutarci.
Siamo rimasti a tenerci per mano, o ad abbracciarci, sotto il sole che ora splende, illuminandoli, sotto gli antichi cieli del Mar Egeo.
Las Bocas de Rodrigo M. Malmsten
Queer, Gay Erotic Texts. Warning!!! The content of this blog is only for people over 18 years old. Forbidden for people under 18 years old.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2020
泳ぎ始めて数分後、私の横には青い目をした豊かな口元の金髪の男の頭が見えました。 彼は45歳くらいで、私は20歳でした。
-(達也)こんにちは (みのり)元気?
かろうじて砂の上に足を乗せた時に シルヴィオは彼の男だった 私に触れ、私を掴み、私は離し、私のお尻を甘噛みした。
- あなたは?
- 私はベネチア人です。
-私の名前はシルビオ あなたの名前は?
- なんて素敵な名前なんだろう、私の家に夕食に招待したいんだけど、どう?
シルヴィオは数本のロウソクを灯し、他の小さなロウソクも灯す。彼は台所に行き、サラダを準備します。エキゾチックなフルーツ、赤、紫、青、黄色のアボカドの 彼はワインのボトルを開け、笑顔で接客し、グラスを渡し、片手で私の背中を撫でてくれる。
泳ぎ始めて数分後、私の横には青い目をした豊かな口元の金髪の男の頭が見えました。 彼は45歳くらいで、私は20歳でした。
-(達也)こんにちは (みのり)元気?
かろうじて砂の上に足を乗せた時に シルヴィオは彼の男だった 私に触れ、私を掴み、私は離し、私のお尻を甘噛みした。
- あなたは?
- 私はベネチア人です。
-私の名前はシルビオ あなたの名前は?
- なんて素敵な名前なんだろう、私の家に夕食に招待したいんだけど、どう?
シルヴィオは数本のロウソクを灯し、他の小さなロウソクも灯す。彼は台所に行き、サラダを準備します。エキゾチックなフルーツ、赤、紫、青、黄色のアボカドの 彼はワインのボトルを開け、笑顔で接客し、グラスを渡し、片手で私の背中を撫でてくれる。
viernes, 12 de junio de 2020
The Mouths: Silvio
Summer, Playa del Carmen, Caribbean, Mexico, 1990.
When I turned 20, I decided to go to Mexico, my mother had given me the gift of the trip, so that I could get to know some aspects of that beautiful culture.
I arrived to Mexico City with a direct flight, three days later, I took a bus to the Yucatan Peninsula, my goal was to know the Caribbean Sea.
I arrived to Tulum, then I go to Playa del Carmen, because a friend was waiting for me there.
In that remote Mexican Caribbean, everything seemed blue to me, the sea, the sky, the beauty of its white beaches.
The day after my arrival, I decide to go to the beach, I walk a lot, I go beyond the sites, the family beaches, and I go to the nudist beaches, which were very far from the center, I walked more or less three kilometers.
The nudist beach, was a sector, intimate, almost private, surrounded by birds, dunes and trees, where there were also wonderful meetings between men, in search of instant love or enjoyment of the moment.
The twilight already caressed the skins, our mouths, our bodies. I decide to swim, I was naked in the turquoise waters, they embraced me.
The sun kissed the sea, my mouth, my skin, the other mouths.
I was swimming in that Caribbean sea off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula, from there I could see the distant and exultant Islands of Women and the island of Cózumel.
I entertained myself before that image, dreamed, before that spectacle of nature, before that sky that was confused with the sea, without fear, only, in peace with myself, I, observed the marvel of life.
I start swimming, a few minutes later, I see beside me the head of a blond man, blue-eyed, with a rich mouth, voluptuous and generous, who greets me. He was about forty-five years old, I was twenty.
-Hello, how are you?
-Well, I answer.
The man began to swim in circles, as if he were a deep-water predator, or a bird in a clear, humid sky, hovering over me...
Frightened, I decided to get out of the water. I headed for the very white beach, under that unheard of twilight that seemed to eternalize itself between my lips and my eyes.
When I barely put my foot on the sand. Silvio, that was his man, touches me, grabs me, I let go, bites me sweetly on the ass.
I keep walking, I get out of the water, I take a towel, I dry myself... Silvio approaches me, I could hardly breathe from the emotion, from the surprise before the beauty of that man, strong, tall, pleasant, sympathetic, with a sensitive and generous heart.
-Where are you from?
-From Argentina, Buenos Aires.
- Do you?
- I am Venetian.
Many years later, I would have remembered, in front of the duomo of Venice, that conversation, that encounter with Silvio, that impossible love, with old nostalgia, but I was only thirty years old.
Silvio, before my innocence and my credulity, smiled. We sat down...
We talked about Frida Khalo, Diego de Rivera, Guadalupe Posadas, the Mexican artists, his Mexican crafts boutique, which he owned in downtown Playa del Carmen. That at that time, it was a town of the sea, with few hotels, old inns, few people, it was a little bigger than Tulum, and more inhabited. But its beaches and its waters, had a magic, a spell, a unique beauty.
-My name is Silvio and what is your name?
-Alfonso: I answer.
- What a beautiful name, I would like to invite you to my house for dinner, would you like to ?
-Yes," I answered, smiling.
We were both sitting alone, on the sand, on a blue towel, I remember. We looked at each other, he kissed me delicately, almost with fragility and poetic violence.
Silvio, caresses my face gently, his big hands travel, now behind my back, on my arms and legs. The mouths that approach, in a single instant of passion, our tongues dance, in the depths of the evening.
The Mexicans spy on us from afar, with adolescent curiosity, behind the bushes, they observe with boldness, our resounding encounter, our desire for fire, our bodies.
Silvio, rests his naked body on mine, his strong arms, his deep mouth, his tender eyes, possess me, inevitably.
Minutes later, we got up, and started walking under the sky that was almost red, barely dark, only illuminated by bright stars, and an immeasurable moon that embraced us.
One hour later, we arrived at his house, at about 10 p.m., approximately.
Silvio's house is very big, with white walls, a big carved wooden table, Mexican silver candelabra, a big library and photos, on the walls of different oceans, because Silvio was a marine photographer. His beauty resembled that of a man of water, an apollo of the depths.
Minutes later, we sat in the living room, from the windows, the white curtains, looked like dancing angels, lustful in the night, protecting us, from the rest of men.
Silvio lights several candles, other smaller ones. He goes to the kitchen, prepares an avocado salad with exotic fruits, red, violet, blue, yellow. He opens a bottle of wine, serves it to me smiling, gives me a glass, caresses my back with one hand.
His deep blue eyes begin to kiss me intensely, before his mouth, they undress me. Slowly I approach him in silence, a mariachi music is heard in the distance.
We kiss, we embrace each other slowly, Silvio puts his tongue in my mouth, over my lips, caresses my arms, my neck, my back and invites me to undress completely, he undresses me with skill.
He lays me down on the bed, my mouth is against the pillow, his hands and his tongue kiss my naked, hairless, lonely, almost adolescent desire.
The head of his penis now brushes the lips of my ass, my vulva, the inside of my anus. He kisses me and bites me delicately, with unmistakable passion, with tenderness, caresses the skins of my body, licks me slowly, puts his hands in my mouth thirsty for desire and lust.
I kiss him, I scream of pleasure, I groan, he submits me, he surrounds me, he desires me, he profanes me, he restores me, he penetrates me slowly. Its virile member, was forceful, voluptuous, involuntary. He placed my body upside down again, he put his fingers, one by one, he kissed me intensely, I felt the head of his sex in me, inside me. He fucks me, masturbates me, penetrates me again and again...
We made love until dawn, we made love, we made love, without stopping until dawn turned red, until the candles went out, until his sleeping body caresses my heart, the center of the heart of my mouth, there where memory becomes flesh.
Monden, monden/Les Bouches by Rodrigo M. Malmsten
Été, Playa del Carmen, Caraïbes, Mexique, 1990.
Zomer 1990, Playa del Carmen, Caraïben , Mexico
Quand j'ai eu 20 ans, j'ai décidé d'aller au Mexique, ma mère m'ayant fait le cadeau du voyage, pour que je puisse connaître certains aspects de cette belle culture.
Toen ik 20 jaar werd, besloot ik om Mexico te bezoeken. Mijn moeder had me de reis cadeau gedaan, zodat ik kennis kon maken met bepaalde aspecten van deze mooie cultuur.
Je suis arrivé à Mexico par un vol direct, trois jours plus tard, j'ai pris un bus pour la péninsule du Yucatan, mon but était de connaître la mer des Caraïbes.
J'arrive à Tulum, puis je vais à Playa del Carmen, parce qu'un ami m'y attendait.
Dans ces lointaines Caraïbes mexicaines, tout me semblait bleu, la mer, le ciel, la beauté de ses plages blanches.
Met een directe vlucht kwam ik drie dagen later in Mexico aan, nam ik een bus naar het schiereiland Yucatan, mijn doel was om de Caraïbische zee te leren kennen.
Ik kom aan in Tulum, daarna ga ik naar de Playa del Carmen, omdat daar een vriend op mij wachtte. In de verre Caraïben van Mexico, scheen me alles blauw, de zee de lucht, en schoonheid van de witte stranden.
Le lendemain de mon arrivée, je décide d'aller à la plage, je marche beaucoup, je dépasse, les plages familiales, et je vais sur les plages nudistes, qui étaient très éloignées du centre, j'ai marché plus ou moins trois kilomètres.
La plage nudiste était un secteur intime, presque privé, entouré d'oiseaux, de dunes et d'arbres, où il y avait aussi de merveilleuses rencontres entre hommes, à la recherche d'un amour instantané ou de la jouissance du moment.
De dag na mijn aankomst , beslis ik om naar het strand te gaan, ik stap een heel eind, ik passeer heel wat plekken, de familiestranden, en ik beland op de nudistenstranden, die ver van het centrum lagen, ik had ongeveer drie kilometer gelopen.
Het naaktstrand was een intieme zone, quasi privé, omgeven door vogels, duinen en bomen. Er gebeurden ook mooie ontmoetingen tussen mannen, die op zoek waren naar een moment van liefde, of een moment van genot.
Le crépuscule caressait déjà les peaux, nos bouches, nos corps. Je décide de nager, j'étais nu dans les eaux turquoises, ils m'ont embrassé.
Le soleil caressait la mer, ma bouche, ma peau, les autres bouches.
Je nageais dans cette mer des Caraïbes au large de la péninsule du Yucatan, de là on pouvait voir les lointaines et exaltantes îles des Femmes et l'île de Cózumel.
J'étais charmé par ces images de rêve, ce spectacle de la nature, le ciel qui se confondait avec la mer en paix. A cette instant-là, j'ai observé la merveille de la vie.
Het ochtendgloren streelde reeds de huid, onze monden , onze lichamen. Ik besluit te zwemmen , ik was naakt in het turkooise water, ik werd omarmd.
De zon omarmde de zee, mijn mond, mijn huid, en al de andere monden.
Ik zwom in deze Caraïbische zee langs het schiereiland Yucatan,, vanwaar men de verafgelegen en wonderlijke “Iles des Femmes” kon zien , en het eiland van Cozumel .
Ik heb genoten van dit beeld, als gedroomd, van dit natuurschoon, van de hemel die versmolt met de zee, zonder angst, helemaal alleen, tevreden met mezelf, en hop, ik had de wonderlijke ervaring van mijn leven
Je commence à nager, quelques minutes plus tard, je vois à côté de moi, la tête d'un homme blond, les yeux bleus, la bouche riche, voluptueuse et généreuse, qui me salue. Il avait environ quarante-cinq ans, j'en avais vingt.
Enkele minuten later begin ik wat te zwemmen. Naast mij zie ik het hoofd van een blonde man, blauwe ogen, en een rijkelijke, volupueuze en vrijgevige mond die me groet. Hij was ongeveer 45 jaar, ik was er 20.
-Salut, comment allez-vous ?
Goeiedag, hoe gaat het met jou?
-Je réponds.
Ik antwoord.
L'homme s'est mis à nager en rond, comme s'il était un prédateur des eaux profondes, ou un oiseau dans un ciel clair et humide, planant au-dessus de moi...
Effrayé, j'ai décidé de sortir de l'eau. Je me suis dirigé vers la plage très blanche, sous ce crépuscule inouï qui semblait s'éterniser en aveuglant mes yeux.
Quand j'ai à peine mis le pied sur le sable. Silvio, c'était son nom, me touche, m'attrape, je lâche, me mord doucement mes fesses.
De man begon rondjes rond mij te zwemmen , alsof hij een roofdier van de diepzee was, of een vogel in de heldere vochtige hemel, die boven mij circelt….
Geschrokken besliste ik om uit het water te gaan. Ik ging in de richting van het hagelwitte strand, onder het ongelooflijke ochtendgloren dat zich scheen te vereeuwigen tussen mijn lippen en ogen. Nauwelijks had ik een voet op het zan gezet, of Silvio, zo heette hij, raakt me aan, haalt me in, ik laat los, hij bijt me zachtjes in mijn achterste.
Je continue à marche, je prends une serviette, je me sèche... Silvio s'approche de moi, je peux à peine respirer de l'émotion, de la surprise devant la beauté de cet homme, fort, grand, agréable, sympathique, au cœur sensible et généreux.
Ik stap verder, verlaat het water, ik neem een handdoek, ik droog me af….Silvio komt dichterbij, ik kan amper ademen van emotie, van de verrassende schoonheid van deze man, sterk als hij is, groot, aangenaam, sympathiek, met het vrijgevig hart van koekebrood.
D'où venez-vous ?
Van waar ben je?
-je suis de Buenos Aires.
Van Buenos Aires, Argentinië
- et toi ?
wat ben jij?
- Je suis Vénitien.
Ik ben Venetiaan.
Bien des années plus tard, je me suis souvenu, devant le dôme de Venise, de cette conversation, de cette rencontre avec Silvio, de cet amour impossible, avec une vieille nostalgie, mais je n'avais que vingt ans.
Jaren later zal ik me dit gesprek nog herinneren , voor de Dôme van Venetië. De ontmoeting met Silvio, de onmogelijke liefde, met een zekere nostalgie, maar ik was slechts twintig jaar.
Silvio, devant mon innocence et ma crédulité, sourit. Nous nous sommes assis...
Nous avons parlé de Frida Khalo, Diego de Rivera, Guadalupe Posadas, les artistes mexicains, sa boutique d'artisanat mexicain, qu'il possédait dans le centre-ville de Playa del Carmen. Qu'à cette époque, c'était une ville maritime, avec peu d'hôtels, de vieilles auberges, peu de gens, elle était un peu plus grande que Tulum, et plus habitée. Mais ses plages et ses eaux, avaient une magie, un charme, une beauté unique.
Silvio lachte met mijn onschuldigheid en goedgelovigheid. We gingen zitten….
We hebben gepraat over Frida Khalo, Diego de Rivera, Guadalupe Posadas, mexicaanse kunstenaars, zijn winkel van mexicaanse ambachtelijke voorwerpen, die hij uitbaatte in het centrum van de stad Playa del Carmen.
In die tijd was dat een maritieme stad , met weinig hotelletjes, enkele oude herbergen, weinig volk, de stad was een beetje groter dan Tulum, en een beetje meer bevolkt. Maar de stranden en het water hadden magische charme, en waren van een unieke schoonheid.
-Moi, je m'appelle Silvio, et toi? ?
Ik benSilvio. Hoe heet jij?
-Alfonso, je réponds.
Alfonso, antwoord ik.
- Quel beau nom, j'aimerais bien t'inviter chez moi.
Wat een prachtnaam! Ik zou je bij mij thuis willen uitnodigen voor het avondeten, wil je?
-J'accepte volontiers, répondis-je en souriant.
Jazeker, antwoordde ik al lachend.
Nous étions tous les deux assis seuls, sur le sable, sur une serviette bleue, je me souviens. Nous nous sommes regardés, nous nous sommes embrassés délicatement, presque avec fragilité et violence poétique.
Ik herinner me nog dat we daar beide neerzaten op het zand, op een blauwe handdoek.
We bekeken elkaar, we hebben elkaar omzichtig gekust, bijna met broosheid en poétische kracht tegelijk.
Silvio, me caresse doucement le visage, ses grandes mains voyagent, maintenant derrière mon dos, sur mes bras et mes jambes. Les bouches qui s'approchent, dans un seul moment de passion, nos langues dansent, dans les profondeurs de la soirée.
Les Mexicains nous espionnent de loin, avec une curiosité d'adolescent, derrière les buissons, ils observent avec consternation notre rencontre retentissante, notre désir de feu, nos corps.
Silvio streelt zachtjes mijn gezicht, zijn grote handen glijden un naar mij rug, over mijn armen en mijn benen. Onze monden naderen elkaar, en in een flits van passie, dansen onze tongen in de diepte van de avond.
Enkele Mexicanen bespieden ons van ver, met een puberale nieuwsgierigheid, van achter de struiken, ze kijken met verbazing naar ontmoeting , naar ons vurig verlangen, naar ons lichaam.
Silvio, repose son corps nu sur le mien, ses bras forts, sa bouche profonde, ses yeux tendres, me possèdent, inévitablement.
Peu après, nous nous sommes levés et on a quitté la plage sous un ciel presque rouge, crépusculaire, seulement éclairé par des étoiles brillantes, et une lune incommensurable qui nous embrassait.
Silvio bedekt me met zijn naakte lichaam, en zijn sterke armen, zijn diepe mond, zijn zachte ogen nemen onherroepelijk bezit van mij.
Enkele minuten later zijn we opgestaan en zijn we beginnen stappen onder een rode, verdonkerende hemel, die slechts verlicht werd door de glinstering van enkele sterren, en een onmetelijke maan kuste ons.
Une heure plus tard, nous sommes arrivés chez lui.
La maison de Silvio est très grande, avec des murs blancs, une grande table en bois sculpté, des candélabres en argent mexicain, une grande bibliothèque et , sur les murs, des photos de différents océans, car Silvio était un photographe marin. Sa beauté ressemblait à celle d'un homme d'eau, un apollon des profondeurs.
Een uur later , tegen 10uur ‘s avonds, kwamen we aan bij hem thuis. Zijn huis was ruim, witte muren , een tafel in gesculpteerd hout, kandelaars in Mexicaans zilver, een grote bibliotheek en muren vol met foto’s van diverse oceanen, want hij was onderwaterfotograaf.
Zijn schoonheid was zoals een man va water, een Apollo van de diepzee.
Assez vite, on s'est installé dans le salon. Les fenêtres aux rideaux blancs, ressemblaient à des anges dansants, lascifs dans la nuit, nous protégeant, du reste des hommes.
Enkele minuten later hadden we plaatsgenomen in het salon met vensters met witte gordijnen, die geleken op wapperende engelen, wulps in de nacht, ons beschermend van de rest van de mannen.
Silvio allume plusieurs bougies, d'autres plus petites. Il va à la cuisine, prépare une salade d'avocats avec des fruits exotiques, rouge, violet, bleu, jaune. Il ouvre une bouteille de vin, me sert avec un sourire, me donne un verre, me caresse le dos de la main.
Silvio stak meerdere kaarsen aan, en tal van kleinere. Hij stapt naar de keuken, maakt een slaatje klaar van avocado met wat tropisch fruit, rood, violet, blauw, geel. Hij ontkurkt een fles wijn, schenkt me glimlachend in, reikt me het glas, en wrijft zachtjes over de rug van mijn hand.
Ses yeux bleus et profonds commencent à m'embrasser intensément, il découvre mon torse. Lentement, je m'approche de lui en silence, une musique mariachi se fait entendre au loin.
Zijn diepblauwe ogen beginnen me intens te kussenen ontkleden me voor zijn mond. Langzaam nader ik hem in stilte, met op de achtergrond mariachi muziek.
Nous nous embrassons, nous nous enlaçons lentement, Silvio met sa langue dans ma bouche, sur mes lèvres, caresse mes bras, mon cou, mon dos et il continue à me déshabiller complètement, il me déshabille avec charme.
We kussen elkaar en verstrengelen langzaam met elkaar, Silvio steekt zijn tong in mijn mond, op mijn lippen, streelt mijn armen, mijn hals, mijn rug, en vraagt me om me volledig uit te kleden, hij ontkleedt me met charme .
Il m'allonge sur le lit, ma bouche est contre l'oreiller, ses mains et sa langue embrassent mon désir nu, chauve, solitaire, presque adolescent.
Hij legt me op bed neer, mijn mond tegen zijn hoofdkussen, zijn handen en zijn tong zoenen mijn verlangen, kaal , eenzaam, bijna volwassen.
Il m'embrasse et me mord délicatement, avec une passion indéniable, avec tendresse, caresse la peau de mon corps, me lèche lentement, met ses mains dans ma bouche assoiffée de désir et de luxure. Je sens son sexe qui se raidit entre mes jambes, son gland effleure déjà mon corps.
Zijn eikel raakt nu de lippen van mijn aars, mijn vulva, de binnenkant van mijn anus. Hij kust en bijt me voorzichtig met onmiskenbare passie, met tederheid, hij streelt mij huid, likt me langzaam, steekt zijn handen in mijn mond, die dorstig vrelangt naar genot en lust.
Je l'embrasse, je crie de plaisir, je gémis, il me soumet, il m'entoure, il me désire, il me profane, il me pénètre lentement. Son membre viril était fort, voluptueux, peu disposé. Il me remet le corps à l'envers, ses doigts expérimentés me pénètrent, un par un. Il m'embrasse intensément, je sens la tête de son sexe en moi, à l'intérieur de moi. Il me baise, il se masturbe, me pénètre encore et encore...
Ik kus hem, roep het uit van genot, ik kreun, hij onderwerpt me, omringt me, verlangt naar me, ontheiligt me en herstelt me, hij dringt langzaam binnen in mij. Zijn lid was stevig, wulps, zonder terughoudendheid. Hij draait me helemaal om, plaatst zijn vingers, een voor een , hij kust me vurig, ik voel zij eikel in mij, binnen in mij. Hij neukt me, mastubeert me, en dringt me binnen en nog eens en nog eens.
Nous avons fait l'amour jusqu'à l'aube, nous avons fait l'amour, nous avons fait l'amour, sans nous arrêter jusqu'à ce que l'aube devienne rouge, jusqu'à ce que les bougies s'éteignent, jusqu'à ce que son corps endormi caresse mon cœur, le cœur de ma bouche, là où la mémoire se fait chair.
We hebben gevreeën tot ‘s morgens vroeg, we hebben de liefde bedreven, bedreven zonder ophouden, tot het ochtendgloren rood kleurde, tot de kaarsen doofden, tot zijn slapend lichaam mijn hart streelde, het centrum van mijn hart van mijn mond, de plek waar herinneringen vlees worden.
Kenyi: (deutsche sprache).
Winter, Brüssel, 2011
Ich lief nachts in Brüssel spazieren und traf einige Freunde in der Rue Marche du Charbon, einer typisch belgischen Straße, die mitten in der Altstadt lag.
Es war an einem Donnerstag gegen ein Uhr morgens, wir beschlossen, auszugehen, zu einem Boîte, das auf der anderen Seite des Boulevards Anspach lag, es war ein berüchtigter Schwulenclub. Aber die Musik war sehr gut. Wir kamen an, ließen unsere Mäntel auf der Theke liegen und baten um einen Drink...
Ich bestellte eine Margarita, sie bestellten etwas stärkere Getränke.
Wir tanzten, wir lachten, wir kritisierten, wir machten Witze, die Nacht verging, und jeder meiner Freunde ging in eine andere Richtung, einer von ihnen ging, die anderen, glaube ich, gingen auf der Suche nach Liebe durch die Gänge dieses Nachtclubs, in dem die afrikanischen Nachkommen vorherrschten, die afrikanische Musik stimulierte meinen Körper, ich tanzte allein, in der Nähe der Tür eines jener Labyrinthe, die die Mauern überquerten, wo sie sich, wie ich, in der Dunkelheit der Nacht verirrten... Ich rückte vor und rückte vor, wobei meine Hände die Mauern, ihre Ecken und Winkel berührten, eine Reihe von Männern, von der einen und der anderen Seite, standen, so dass ich diejenigen, die vorbeikamen, im Gehen, fast im Dunkeln, genau betrachten konnte. In einem Moment war der Korridor immer schmaler und schmaler, als ein anderer vorbeikam, musste man seinen Körper gegen die Wände drücken.
Ich gehe weiter, und dabei fühle ich, wie eine Hand die meine berührt, ich nähere mich ihr, ich schaue sie an, und durch einen Lichtstrahl erblicke ich das junge Gesicht eines afrikanischen Mannes, der dort war, versteckt, in Jeans und einem muskulösen.
Kenyi war stark, seine Arme und sein Körper robust, sein Mund war sehr saftig, schön, fleischig, groß, war eine abrupte Verführung, primitiv, beispiellos, hatte keine halben Sachen, war weder süß noch sinnlich, war sexy, so rau, war sehr männlich, sehr machohaft, sehr gerade und brutal. Er war direkt, von der Tür aus, aber heute und jetzt ist er bei mir und ich genieße ihn.
Er nimmt mich an der Taille, mein Mund ist vor seinem Mund, er küsst mich mit seinem riesigen Mund, ich küsse ihn, ich berühre seinen Schwanz, er berührt meinen Arsch, wir beginnen uns zu küssen, ich bücke mich, ich öffne seinen Reißverschluss und beginne zu lutschen, ein wirklich riesiger, dicker, großer, schwarzer Schwanz. Ich lutsche ihn, ich schlucke ihn, ich öffne den Mund viel, um ihn ganz hineinstecken zu können, ich war ein wenig betrunken, hemmungslos, aufgeregt von der Situation. Er erregt mich, dass er so stark und brutal ist, er packt mein Haar, zieht es zurück, öffnet meinen Mund mit seinen Fingern und steckt mir mit der anderen Hand seinen Schwanz wieder in den Mund. Ich lutsche ihn, ich ersticke, der Kopf seiner Trauer erreicht den Grund meiner Kehle, er schließt sich und öffnet die Augen für die Freude, die mein Mund ihm bereitet hat.
Er packt mich am Nacken, ich stehe vor ihm, er schaut mich an, er dreht mich gegen die Wand, ich knöpfe meine Hose so gut es geht schnell auf, er beginnt sich zu erregen, er ist sehr heiß. Er berührt meinen Arsch, mein Gesäß, er beugt sich vor, beißt zu, fährt mit seiner Zunge über meinen ganzen Arsch, vor allem in meinen Anus, führt ihn ein, dehnt mich, befeuchtet mich... ich schreie vor Vergnügen... er greift meine Taille, zieht meinen Arsch zurück, versohlt mir den Hintern, steckt einen Finger hinein, dann einen anderen und noch einen weiteren in meinen Anus
29 befeuchtet durch seine Zunge, masturbiert er mich, küsst mich, lacht, beleidigt mich, hält mich, zieht seine Finger heraus und reibt den Kopf seines Schwanzes stark an meinem Arsch, sehr hart, drückt und drückt, ich entspanne meinen Körper, und der große schwarze Schwanz meines Männchens, geht ganz in mich hinein, Ich fühle mich gefangen, gegen die Wand gepresst, und dieser Nigga fickt mich auf seine Gnade, genießt meinen Arsch... Er fängt an, in mich einzudringen, ich hatte Angst, denn ich weiß, dass Typen wie Kenyi, den Sexakt genießen, stundenlang, ich weiß nicht, ob mein Körper sich dem widersetzen würde.
Ich genieße es, ich stöhne, ich vibriere, ich öffne mein Arschloch, ich schlage meinen Arsch gegen sein Becken, so dass sein Phallus immer mehr eindringt, mein Penis ist erigiert, er hat mich berührt, das doppelte Vergnügen tötet mich vor Genuss.
Er küsst mich, packt mich ganz fest an der Taille, mit seinen beiden großen Händen, sein Parfüm war so penetrant wie alles in mir. Er beginnt zu pumpen wie ein unkontrolliertes Tier, das unaufhörlich in mich eindringt. Ich lege meine Hände sehr fest an die Wand, er nimmt mich in Besitz, er entjungfert mich immer wieder, ich lasse mich penetrieren, ich wehre mich nicht, trotz des Schmerzes, den sein Schwanz in mir hervorruft, aber die Wahrheit ist, dass ich ihn auch mag, ich liebe es, ihn zu genießen, zu genießen, ihn zu genießen.
Kenyi, beginnt wie ein verzweifelter Mensch zu schreien, zu stöhnen, zu genießen, mich zu beißen, mich zu küssen, bis er eine Bewegung mit seinem Becken macht, dann noch eine und dann noch einen Schlag.
Kenyi endet in mir, wie ein Protomacho-Tier, schaut mich an, schubst mich, zieht seine Hose an und geht in der Dunkelheit spazieren.
Meine Hose liegt auf dem Boden, ich werde ihm vorgestellt, er ist in mir wie nie zuvor, ich bin geweitet, atme tief ein, genieße, spüre, was er in mir hinterlassen hat.
Minuten später zieht er sich schweigend und abrupt zurück...
...ich komme zurück, ziehe mich an und gehe im Dunkeln weiter, bis ich die Tanzfläche erblicke, ich gehe durch sie hindurch, öffne die Tür der geheimen Boutique und verlasse sie, gehe langsam, die Straßen sind fast leer, die Lichter der Grande Place, streicheln mein Gesicht...
Der Nieselregen über der Stadt formt den Lauf der Zeit zwischen den Steinen der menschenleeren Straßen der Liebkosungen, ohne Uhren und ohne Stunden.
Kenyi. (English)
Winter, Brussels, 2011
I was walking in Brussels at night, I met some friends in the Rue Marche du Charbon, a typical Belgian street, which was in the middle of the old part of the city.
It was about one o'clock in the morning on a Thursday, we decided to go out, to a boîte that was across the boulevard Anspach, it was a notorious gay club. But the music was very good. We arrived, left our coats on the counter, and asked for a drink...
I ordered a margarita, they ordered a little stronger drinks.
We danced, we laughed, we criticized, we made jokes, the night passed, and each one of my friends, took different directions, one of them left, the others I think left in search of love through the passages of that nightclub, where the afro descendants predominated, the African music stimulated my body, I danced alone, near the door of one of those labyrinths that crossed the walls, where they were lost, as I was, in the darkness of the night... I advanced and advanced with my hands touching the walls, their nooks and crannies, a line of men, from one side and the other, were standing, so that I could look closely at those who passed by walking, almost in the dark. At one moment the corridor was narrower and narrower, when another one passed, you had to press your body against the walls.
I keep walking, and in that, I feel a hand touching mine, I get close to it, I look at it, and I get a glimpse by a ray of light, the young face of an African man, who was there, hidden, wearing jeans and a muscular one.
Kenyi was strong, his arms and body robust, his mouth was very juicy, beautiful, fleshy, large, was an abrupt seduction, primitive, unparalleled, had no half measures, was not sweet, nor sensual, was sexy, so rough, was very virile, very macho, very straight and brutal. He was straight, from the door out, but today and now, he is with me and I enjoy him.
He takes me by the waist, my mouth is in front of his mouth, he kisses me with his huge mouth, I kiss him, I touch his cock, he touches my ass, we start kissing, I bend down, I unzip his pants and start sucking, a real huge, thick, big, black cock. I suck it, I swallow it, I open my mouth a lot to be able to put it all the way in, I was a little drunk, unrestrained, excited by the situation. He excites me, that he is so strong, and brutal, he grabs my hair, pulls it back, opens my mouth with his fingers, and with the other hand, he puts his dick back into my mouth. I suck it, I choke, the head of his sorrow reaches the bottom of my throat, he closes and opens his eyes for the pleasure that my mouth provoked him.
He grabs me by the back of my neck, I stand in front of him, he looks at me, he turns me against the wall, I quickly unbutton my pants as best I can, he starts to get excited, he is very hot. He touches my ass, my buttocks, he bends over, bites them, runs his tongue all over my ass, especially into my anus, inserts it, dilates me, moistens me...I scream with pleasure...he grabs my waist, pulls back my ass, tips a few spankings, sticks one finger in, then another and another in my anus
29 moistened by his tongue, he masturbates me, kisses me, laughs, insults me, holds me, pulls out his fingers, and rubs the head of his cock strongly against my ass, very hard, presses and presses, I relax my body, and the big black cock of my male, goes all the way into me, I feel trapped, stuck against the wall, and this nigga fucking me at his mercy, enjoying my ass... He starts penetrating me, I was afraid, because I know that guys like Kenyi, enjoy the sex act, for hours and hours, I don't know if my body would resist it.
I enjoy it, I moan, I vibrate, I open my asshole, I hit my ass against his pelvis, so that his phallus goes in more and more, my penis is erect, he touched me, the double pleasure kills me of enjoyment.
He kisses me, holds me very tightly by the waist, with his two big hands, his perfume was as penetrating as everything in me. He begins to pump like an uncontrolled animal, penetrating me incessantly. I put my hands very firmly against the wall, he possesses me, he deflowers me again and again, I let myself be penetrated, I don't resist, in spite of the pain that his cock provoked inside me, but the truth is that I also like him, I love to enjoy, to enjoy, to enjoy him.
Kenyi, begins to scream, like a desperate person, to moan, to enjoy, to bite me, to kiss me, until he makes a movement with his pelvis, then another and then another blow.
Kenyi ends up in me, like a protomacho animal, looks at me, pushes me, puts on his pants and leaves..., walking in the dark.
My pants are on the floor, I am introduced, he is inside me like never before, I am dilated, breathing deep, enjoying, feeling what he had left in me.
Minutes later, in silence, he abruptly withdraws...
...I rejoin, get dressed, and continue walking in the dark, until I glimpse the dance floor, I walk through it, open the door of the secret boutique, and leave, walking slowly, the streets are almost empty, the lights of the Grande Place, caress my face...
The drizzle over the city sculpts the passage of time among the stones of the deserted streets of caresses, without clocks and without hours.
I was walking in Brussels at night, I met some friends in the Rue Marche du Charbon, a typical Belgian street, which was in the middle of the old part of the city.
It was about one o'clock in the morning on a Thursday, we decided to go out, to a boîte that was across the boulevard Anspach, it was a notorious gay club. But the music was very good. We arrived, left our coats on the counter, and asked for a drink...
I ordered a margarita, they ordered a little stronger drinks.
We danced, we laughed, we criticized, we made jokes, the night passed, and each one of my friends, took different directions, one of them left, the others I think left in search of love through the passages of that nightclub, where the afro descendants predominated, the African music stimulated my body, I danced alone, near the door of one of those labyrinths that crossed the walls, where they were lost, as I was, in the darkness of the night... I advanced and advanced with my hands touching the walls, their nooks and crannies, a line of men, from one side and the other, were standing, so that I could look closely at those who passed by walking, almost in the dark. At one moment the corridor was narrower and narrower, when another one passed, you had to press your body against the walls.
I keep walking, and in that, I feel a hand touching mine, I get close to it, I look at it, and I get a glimpse by a ray of light, the young face of an African man, who was there, hidden, wearing jeans and a muscular one.
Kenyi was strong, his arms and body robust, his mouth was very juicy, beautiful, fleshy, large, was an abrupt seduction, primitive, unparalleled, had no half measures, was not sweet, nor sensual, was sexy, so rough, was very virile, very macho, very straight and brutal. He was straight, from the door out, but today and now, he is with me and I enjoy him.
He takes me by the waist, my mouth is in front of his mouth, he kisses me with his huge mouth, I kiss him, I touch his cock, he touches my ass, we start kissing, I bend down, I unzip his pants and start sucking, a real huge, thick, big, black cock. I suck it, I swallow it, I open my mouth a lot to be able to put it all the way in, I was a little drunk, unrestrained, excited by the situation. He excites me, that he is so strong, and brutal, he grabs my hair, pulls it back, opens my mouth with his fingers, and with the other hand, he puts his dick back into my mouth. I suck it, I choke, the head of his sorrow reaches the bottom of my throat, he closes and opens his eyes for the pleasure that my mouth provoked him.
He grabs me by the back of my neck, I stand in front of him, he looks at me, he turns me against the wall, I quickly unbutton my pants as best I can, he starts to get excited, he is very hot. He touches my ass, my buttocks, he bends over, bites them, runs his tongue all over my ass, especially into my anus, inserts it, dilates me, moistens me...I scream with pleasure...he grabs my waist, pulls back my ass, tips a few spankings, sticks one finger in, then another and another in my anus
29 moistened by his tongue, he masturbates me, kisses me, laughs, insults me, holds me, pulls out his fingers, and rubs the head of his cock strongly against my ass, very hard, presses and presses, I relax my body, and the big black cock of my male, goes all the way into me, I feel trapped, stuck against the wall, and this nigga fucking me at his mercy, enjoying my ass... He starts penetrating me, I was afraid, because I know that guys like Kenyi, enjoy the sex act, for hours and hours, I don't know if my body would resist it.
I enjoy it, I moan, I vibrate, I open my asshole, I hit my ass against his pelvis, so that his phallus goes in more and more, my penis is erect, he touched me, the double pleasure kills me of enjoyment.
He kisses me, holds me very tightly by the waist, with his two big hands, his perfume was as penetrating as everything in me. He begins to pump like an uncontrolled animal, penetrating me incessantly. I put my hands very firmly against the wall, he possesses me, he deflowers me again and again, I let myself be penetrated, I don't resist, in spite of the pain that his cock provoked inside me, but the truth is that I also like him, I love to enjoy, to enjoy, to enjoy him.
Kenyi, begins to scream, like a desperate person, to moan, to enjoy, to bite me, to kiss me, until he makes a movement with his pelvis, then another and then another blow.
Kenyi ends up in me, like a protomacho animal, looks at me, pushes me, puts on his pants and leaves..., walking in the dark.
My pants are on the floor, I am introduced, he is inside me like never before, I am dilated, breathing deep, enjoying, feeling what he had left in me.
Minutes later, in silence, he abruptly withdraws...
...I rejoin, get dressed, and continue walking in the dark, until I glimpse the dance floor, I walk through it, open the door of the secret boutique, and leave, walking slowly, the streets are almost empty, the lights of the Grande Place, caress my face...
The drizzle over the city sculpts the passage of time among the stones of the deserted streets of caresses, without clocks and without hours.
Invierno, Bruselas, 2011
Caminaba por la noche en Bruselas, me encuentro con unos amigos en la callecita rue Marche du Charbon, una típica callecita belga, que se encontraba en medio del barrio antiguo de la ciudad.
Eran aproximadamente las una de la madrugada de un jueves, decidimos salir, hacia una boîte que se encontraba cruzando el boulevard Anspach, era una disco gay de mala fama. Pero la música era muy buena. Llegamos, dejamos nuestros abrigos en el mostrador, y nos pedimos un trago…
Yo pedí una margarita, ellos otros tragos un poco mas fuertes.
Bailamos, nos reímos, criticamos, nos hicimos bromas, la noche transcurría, y cada uno de mis amigos, tomaron distintos rumbos, uno de ellos se fue, los otros creo que se fueron en busca del amor por los pasadizos de esa discoteca , en donde predominaban los afrodecendientes, la música africana estimulaba mi cuerpo, yo bailaba solo, cerca de la puerta de unos de esos laberintos que atravesaban los muros, por donde se perdían, como yo, en la oscuridad de la noche…, yo avanzaba y avanzaba con mis manos tocaba los muros, sus recovecos, una fila de hombres, de un lado y de otro, se encontraban parados, para poder mirar de cerca a aquellos que pasábamos caminando, casi en la oscuridad. En un momento el pasillo era mas y mas estrecho, cuando otro pasaba, tenias que aplacar el cuerpo contra los muros.
Sigo caminando, y en eso, siento un mano que toca la mía, me acerca a el, lo miro, y llego a vislumbrar por un rayo de luz, el rostro joven de un hombre africano, que estaba allí, escondido, llevaba unos jeans y una musculosa.
Kenyi era fuerte, sus brazos y su cuerpo robustos, su boca era muy jugosa, bella, carnosa, grande, era de una seducción abrupta, primitiva, sin igual, no tenias medias tintas, no era dulce, ni sensual, era sexy, así a lo bruto, era muy viril, muy macho, muy heterosexual y brutal. El era heterosexual, de la puerta para afuera, pero hoy y ahora, esta conmigo y yo lo gozo.
Me toma de la cintura, mi boca esta frente a su boca, me besa con su inmensa boca, yo lo beso, le toco su pija, la toca mi culo, comenzamos a besarnos yo me agacho, le desabrocho el cierre del pantalón y comienzo a chupar, una verdadera pija enorme, gruesa, grande, negrísima. Se la chupo, me la trago, abro mucho mi boca para poder metérmela hasta el fondo, yo estaba un poco borracho, desenfrenado, excitado por la situación. Me excita, que el sea tan fuerte, y brutal, me agarra del pelo, lo tira para atrás, me abre la boca con sus dedos, y con la otra mano, me mete nuevamente su pija dentro de mi boca. Se lo chupo, me atraganto, la cabeza de su pena llega hasta el fondo de mi garganta, el cierra y abre sus ojos por el placer que le provocaba mi boca.
Me toma de la nuca, me paro frente a el, me miro, me dio vueltas contra la pared, me desabroché rápidamente los pantalones como pude, el comienza a excitarse, se excita, esta muy caliente. Me toca el culo, las nalgas, se agacha, me las muerde, pasa su lengua por todo mi culo, especialmente dentro de mi ano, la introduce, me dilata, me humedece…grito de placer… me agarra la cintura, tira hacia atrás mi culo, el propina da algunas nalgadas, mete un dedo, luego otro y otro en mi ano
humedecido por su lengua, me masturba, me besa, ríe, me insulta, me sostiene, saca los dedos, y frota fuertemente la cabeza de su chota contra mi culo, muy fuerte, presiona y presiona, relajo mi cuerpo, y la gran verga negra de mi macho, entra hasta el fondo de mi, me siento atrapado, atravesado contra el muro, y este negro cogiéndome a su merced, gozando de mi culo… El comienza a penetrarme, yo temía, porque se que los chicos como Kenyi, gozan del acto sexual, durante horas y horas, no se si mi cuerpo lo resistiría.
Yo gozo, gimo, vibro, abro mi culo, golpeo mi culo contra su pelvis, para que su falo entre mas y mas, mi pene esta erecto, me toco, el doble placer me mata de goce.
El me besa, me agarra muy fuerte de la cintura, con sus dos grandes manos, su perfume era penetrante como todo el en mi. Comienza a bombear como un animal descontrolado, penetrándome incesantemente. Yo poso las manos muy firmemente contra el muro, el me posee, me desvirga una y otra vez, me dejo penetrar, no me resisto, a pesar del dolor que me provocaba su pija dentro de mi, pero lo cierto es que también me agrada, me encanta gozar, disfrutar, gozar de el.
Kenyi, comienza a gritar, como un desesperado, a gemir, a gozar, a morderme, a besarme, hasta hacer un movimiento con su pelvis, después otro y después otro golpe.
Kenyi acaba en mi, como un protomacho animal, me mira, me empuja, se pone sus pantalones y se va…, caminando en la oscuridad.
Mis pantalones están el piso, estoy introducido, él esta dentro de mi como nunca, estoy dilatado, respirando profundo, gozando, sintiendo lo que el había dejado en mi.
Minutos después, en silencio, el se retira bruscamente…
…Me reincorporo, me visto, y sigo caminando en la oscuridad, hasta vislumbrar la pista de baile, la atravieso, abro la puerta de la boutique secreta, y me voy, caminando lentamente, las calles están casi vacías, las luces de la Grande Place, acarician mi rostro…
La llovizna sobre la ciudad esculpe el paso del tiempo entre las piedras de las calles desiertas de caricias, sin relojes y sin horas.
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